Tuesday 23 August 2011

8 Hours in Brooklyn

Not a big fan of the soundtrack, However there are some really nice shots in this video. It is worth watching.

8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.

Amazing Mardin, Great Athlete/Artist, Very Good Film

Ryan Dole from Liverpool, UK is a world champion free runner. Partnered with Red Bull he takes on the architectural challenges of Mardin, Turkey. Mardin with its mythological spectacles powered by its thousand years of history provides a mystical setting and a unique contrast with this contemporary sport. Must watch and visit Mardin if you ever get a chance.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Ken Block is back with Gymkhana 4

This time around Mr. Block comes with a Hollywood extravaganza with a little Bollywood touch in the end :) Impressive driving included.

Friday 12 August 2011

Fujiflim Finepix X100 by James Leung; When a commercial have Balls! really big ones...

I have always admired the Japanese state of mind and that state of mind had never been this much reflected on their advertising. Absolutely amazing.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

If this shot is not epic tell me what it is

Taken from the Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer this shot is the perfect indicator of what an amazing another film is coming from Christopher Nolan as its the ending of Dark Knight Saga. This couple seconds long shot at the very end of the trailer gives a great idea for how the tone of film is going to be and how much of a trouble is Bane for Dark Knight (Bane is best known for breaking Batman's back in Batman: Knightfall). I can not wait till Summer 2012 so if anyone has Mr. Nolan's home address please let me know. I would like to go and ask kindly for a peak. I am serious.