Tuesday 23 August 2011

8 Hours in Brooklyn

Not a big fan of the soundtrack, However there are some really nice shots in this video. It is worth watching.

8 Hours in Brooklyn from Next Level Pictures on Vimeo.

Amazing Mardin, Great Athlete/Artist, Very Good Film

Ryan Dole from Liverpool, UK is a world champion free runner. Partnered with Red Bull he takes on the architectural challenges of Mardin, Turkey. Mardin with its mythological spectacles powered by its thousand years of history provides a mystical setting and a unique contrast with this contemporary sport. Must watch and visit Mardin if you ever get a chance.

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Ken Block is back with Gymkhana 4

This time around Mr. Block comes with a Hollywood extravaganza with a little Bollywood touch in the end :) Impressive driving included.

Friday 12 August 2011

Fujiflim Finepix X100 by James Leung; When a commercial have Balls! really big ones...

I have always admired the Japanese state of mind and that state of mind had never been this much reflected on their advertising. Absolutely amazing.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

If this shot is not epic tell me what it is

Taken from the Dark Knight Rises teaser trailer this shot is the perfect indicator of what an amazing another film is coming from Christopher Nolan as its the ending of Dark Knight Saga. This couple seconds long shot at the very end of the trailer gives a great idea for how the tone of film is going to be and how much of a trouble is Bane for Dark Knight (Bane is best known for breaking Batman's back in Batman: Knightfall). I can not wait till Summer 2012 so if anyone has Mr. Nolan's home address please let me know. I would like to go and ask kindly for a peak. I am serious.

The Dark Knight Rises Teaser Trailer

Summer 2012!!! C'mon. Does anybody know where Christopher Nolan lives?

Friday 8 July 2011

Augmented Reality Cinema App for Iphone (Best App Ever)

The best app ever is here!!! If you have an Iphone get it asap and if you don't have an Iphone than it sucks to be you! sorry :)

Augmented Reality Cinema App for Iphone is an app that allows iPhone users to watch certain movie scenes that were filmed at the users’ current location. Watch the video below for a good understanding of this amazing app.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol

Ethan Hunt is back! As an MI fan i have been really curious about how Brad Bird's Mission Impossible is going to be. He has not directed any action films so far and his latest films were all animations (Ratatouille, The Incredibles) After watching the trailer So far So Good :)

Thursday 23 June 2011

Nike Write the Future

Cannes Lions 2011 is almost over and i dearly hope W+K Amsterdam's Nike "Write the Future" TV Ad will win the Grand Prix in Film category. It think it is the best sports (not just Football) Tv Ad ever made. See it yourself if you haven't already and see it again if you have already :)

Tuesday 21 June 2011

Skoda - Curriculum Vitae

Skoda - Curriculum Vitae from weareflink on Vimeo.

Leagas Delaney Praha is on a roll. Another good Skoda commercial!!

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

This video with its extremely well done story flow and graphics is a great three and a half minute presentation of what today's warfare actually is. Yeah! This is how things work now.

Friday 17 June 2011

Tim Thomas Boston Bruins Goalie

I am not a Hockey fan myself but this guy can save the sh.t out of anything shot at him :)
I guess he is the main reason why Boston Bruins won the Stanley Cup this year. Defense wins Championships.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

NYC's The High Line is Open Now!

With the opening of its "Section 2" now "The High Line" doubles its lenght to 1.6KM or 1 Mile (About 25 min. Walk) with amazing views of Iconic NYC structures like Chrysler Building, Empire State and The New Yorker Hotel. It iz a pretty damm cool place to have in your city. Lucky NewYorkers!!!


Friday 10 June 2011

Terrence Malick's The Tree of Life

Terrence Malick's latest master piece won Palme d'Or at Cannes film festival this year and soon it is coming to a theater near you. I have read lots of things about this film and i think the comments below describe it the best.

"Terrence Malick's mad and magnificent film descends slowly, like some sort of prototypical spaceship: it's a cosmic-interior epic of vainglorious proportions, a rebuke to realism, a disavowal of irony and comedy, a meditation on memory, and a gasp of horror and awe at the mysterious inevitability of loving, and losing those we love." Peter Bradshaw, Guardian.

"Troll Hunter" a Norwegian D(m)ockumentary

Everyone should vote, pay taxes and watch mockumentaries!

Troll Hunter - Trailer by dreadcentral

The Running Man Movie 1987

"An innocent man has a choice. Hard time? or Prime time?"

Every kid dreams of future within the limits of his/her imagination. This movie was a pretty good picture of future for me during my time. Now we are in 2011 and looking back at this picture of future portrayed in the movie everything seems pretty plausible. Only 2 years ago we had a world wide economical crisis which was the biggest of all time. It didn't knock us out but who knows maybe 6 years from now??? Idea of the "The Running Man" TV show in the movie seemed pretty insane back in the day but i think our TV Shows are slowly getting there. I won't be surprised if i turn on the TV one day and Gladiators of Ancient Rome is chopping sh.t out of each other :) If you haven't seen the movie synopsis below and the trailer should give you a pretty good idea.

"The year is 2017. The world economy has collapsed. The United States has sealed off it's borders and has become a military controlled police state which controls TV, movies, art, books, communication and censorship. In the police state America has become, criminals have a choice. They can serve their sentences in prison or they can take part in "The Running Man" a government owned violent game-show where contestants running for freedom are pursued by "Stalkers" wrestler-like bounty hunters. "The Running Man" is the top rating show on network TV and Damon Killian, the creator and host is the most popular entertainer in the US. But one man has yet to play... Former L.A. police officer Ben Richards, framed for the massacre of innocent people, when disobeyed orders is recaptured, after escaping from prison. Ben is forced to appear on "The Running Man", joined by resistance fighters William Laughlin and Harold Weiss and Amber Mendez, (a network employee who Richards took hostage and she turned Richards into the authorities) are chased by The Stalkers, as they search for the secret base of the resistance, as they bid to broadcast the truth about the government and prove Ben's innocence." Written by Daniel Williamson

The Running Man (Trailer) by Tower-of-Dark

Angry Birds in Barcelona by T-Mobile

Saatchi&Saatchi London creates a life size Angry Birds in Placa Nova Terrassa, Barcelona for their client Deutsche Telekom. T-Mobile keeps their viral wave going!

Pizza Verdi by Gary Nadeau

Pizza Verdi (short film) 2011 from gary nadeau on Vimeo.

An easy watching short film with a nice ...... (You'll know after watching). Spare 7 minutes.